Friday, November 5, 2010

Playing Hooky

I felt like I was playing hooky from work yesterday afternoon, but I had the time off fair and square. A couple months ago I won a half day off with pay and had to cash it in before it expired. I decided it would be nice to take it on a Thursday since I normally get off work at 3pm on Fridays and that way I would get to leave early two days in a row!!

At first Michael thought he would end up working late, and wouldn't be able to join me, but it turned out that he was able to get off at 2pm as well, so we got to spend a rare weekday afternoon together. :)

It felt like a day in June or July--the weather was that warm and sunny, and there wasn't even a hint of the fall crispness that is normal for November. I knew that I didn't want to spend such a glorious afternoon in the house, so Michael and I agreed that we would take our new camera up to the nature park to wander the trails and practice our photography skills--well, mostly me practicing. Michael took photography classes in high school so already knows quite a bit about composition, lighting, etc. Here are some things we saw in the park:

After our photo shoot, we headed to Lowe's where we bought paint and some trim for the master bathroom. Our plan is to continue the update we started when Michael replaced the sinks and hardware earlier this year. It will be a good winter project and will look really nice once it's finished.

Not a bad afternoon's work--I mean, rest. :)

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