Monday, August 3, 2009

Lunch with Friends

Yesterday Michael and I met with an old friend from high school and his family and they took us out to lunch. When I was growing up in The Dalles, Terry lived right across the street from me. I think we first met in eighth grade when I began attending The Dalles Junior High--we were both in band! :) Terry said that he and Michael met in junior high too, but I don't remember that since I didn't officially meet Michael until our senior year of high school when we had a personal finance class together.

It had been a long time since we had all seen each other. Terry and his wife, Su Jin and their son Jaden (who is almost 10 now!) have lived in Albany for many years, and I don't get down that way as much as I would like. One of the last times we had seen each other was before Michael and I were married and we lived in our old apartment in Beaverton. I think Jaden was only 4 or 5 then! We had so much fun reminiscing yesterday and spending time together, that we all agreed we should make a point of trying extra hard to fit in a get-together with each other at least once a month--even if it is only meeting them in Tigard when they come up to shop at a specialty grocery store.

Once again, I was reminded of what a blessing it is to have good friends, and of how one's friends and family are the most important things in life.

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